
The Pick I use is made by Fender. "Fender Thin" is the best one to me.
Because of hard training of the guitar, trademark on it deface soon. So no one can know the brand of it.
You surely will ask me "What the matter with that?", "Is it serious?"
Oh yea, You are right. It has no meening. It's just a monologue. Don't worry about it.

Today I made a good job, so I'm very happy and feel everything good unusually.

"Tomorrow is another day" Nice word.
It's very important to try to find something new every day. It keep our mind fresh. We will have some new experience, find flowers, meet new one in a day.
Many new events. Because "Tomorrow is another day"

Keep mind fresh!
Thank you.

今日はいい仕事が出来て気分いいので英語で日記を書いてみた。久しぶりだなあ、英語書くの。去年は何度か海外出張があって、英語でのプレゼンテーションもやったけど、今はもう忘れてしまったな。TOEIC 600点無いかも知れない。4月から英会話講座に通う(予定)なので、自己紹介くらい出来る様になっておかないと。今から準備始めよう。